1 Corinthians 11:23-26
We take the Lord’s supper on the first day of every week. We set aside Sunday mornings to observe this sacred assembly. We sing songs of worship to exalt God and encourage each other.
We open the Word and focus our minds and hearts on Jesus’ Lordship. We eat the bread and drink the fruit of the vine to remember Jesus’ sacrifice and the life he allows us to live through it all. Because of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, we each have the opportunity to draw near to God and be a part of his Kingdom forever.
We do this specifically on Sunday mornings to set the tone and rhythm for the rest of our week, and we encourage every member of the church to replicate this on a smaller, individual scale every morning. This is the power of a quiet time, to set our days on Christ just as Sunday mornings set our weeks on him.
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
We take the Lord’s supper on the first day of every week. We set aside Sunday mornings to observe this sacred assembly. We sing songs of worship to exalt God and encourage each other.
We open the Word and focus our minds and hearts on Jesus’ Lordship. We eat the bread and drink the fruit of the vine to remember Jesus’ sacrifice and the life he allows us to live through it all. Because of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, we each have the opportunity to draw near to God and be a part of his Kingdom forever.
We do this specifically on Sunday mornings to set the tone and rhythm for the rest of our week, and we encourage every member of the church to replicate this on a smaller, individual scale every morning. This is the power of a quiet time, to set our days on Christ just as Sunday mornings set our weeks on him.
Mon to Thurs 9AM - 3PM